November 29, 2022, University of Huelva, Spain
Talent Lab
The Talent lab was promoted by the project HEI4S3-RM: “Building Ecosystem Integration Labs at HEI to foster Smart Specialization and Innovation on Sustainable Raw Materials”. It was focused on new technologies for efficient work in mining processes and aimed to promote initiatives that connect the University with regional and local innovation ecosystems in the field of circular economy and sustainability in the mining sector, promoting entrepreneurship and job creation within the framework of these challenges. The Talent Innovation Lab began with an inaugural conference on circular economy given by Professor Markus Andreas Reuter (SMS group), who sponsored the event, and was attended by companies of the sector such as Atlantic Copper, Cobre Las Cruces, Insersa, Atalaya Mining and Tharsis Mining and with researchers from Huelva with competitive projects from Spanish Ministery and European Plans (TailingR32Green, ZeroCo2GeoMit, DEMADRE, VALOREY, PG2CRM, ARCHENICAL, ARCHENICAL2) in relation to the line of work of the Talent Lab and with the Atlantic Copper Chair of the University of Huelva, as well as the Santa Bárbara Chair of the International University of Andalusia (UNIA).